Why I’m cycling to Paris

Dear Friends,
tomorrow I will be setting off on a mass ride to Paris. 120 of us will cycle from London to Paris over 5 days in order to take part in the Climate Games and in civil society mobilisations demanding world leaders to commit to limiting climate change to safe levels.

flyerI am riding, because I believe it is possible to stay below 2 degrees. There are already some early commitments, the #INDC made by the majority of countries, which, if taken forward, will buy us another 10 years to get our act together. Business leaders have also declared they can cut emissions, at a meeting earlier this year – they are ready to deploy technology and better management systems, as long as the political signals from #COP21 are there. Hundreds of thousands of people marched last week to demand action.

I am riding to Paris in order to amplify these voices, as well as bridge this mobilisation to Paris AND BEYOND. I want to be able to tell my son one day that I have done everything in my power to preserve stability and peace, which depend on a stable climate.

Please support me by sending your photo messages to the negotiators to timetocycle@lensmob.com and also sharing the message of hope.

Please share my tweets and blogs.

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